Asleep, so asleep this place seems to be.
Its lulled me into a daydream,
but it's just a lie, an entirely false reality.
I don't want to be here surrounded by the ease and sweets of America's delicacies.
Instead, O God, take me to the tree of Calvary
where you poured out your blood for me
and a way for the nations to be made free.
You arose to kill the fear within me that arises when I think of this possibility:
taking Your love to the every last race of humanity!
There's no sign in the clouds, no "voice" commanding me to go.
But I have read Your Word,
I have seen the need and I know:
Who else will go?
You have given your Church one main goal
to proclaim Your name until all know.
So here I remove my crown and upon Your throne bestow
my whole self: my heart, my soul.
Father, let the hope of my life be in You alone
There's nothing left I desire more
than to be transformed, to be made Yours:
an empty vessel to bring means of being reborn.
- Marie F.